Orthodontic Solutions

Orthodontic Solutions

At Acrylic Designs Dental Lab, we strive to provide the best customer service and reliable products to help everyone achieve their perfect smile. With over 20 years of experience, we are dedicated to delivering world-class orthodontic appliances that meet the patients needs. We understand the importance of a great smile, and that’s why all our products are tailored to producing custom, quality appliances promptly and accurately using our up to date 3D equiptment. 

 We are also committed to making sure all the appliances we produce meet our exact quality standards and provide reliable, long-lasting service. We value our relationships with orthodontists and make sure our short turnaround times help them provide timely service to their patients.

At Acrylic Designs Dental Lab, we take customer satisfaction seriously. Our reliable products and customer service have helped us develop lasting relationships and we’re proud to have served San Antonio and surrounding areas for over 20 years. To learn more about our services, call us today!

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