3D Printed Models

3D Printed Models

3D Printed Models

Bypass traditional, time- consuming model and prop-making processes. 3D print accurate, high-resolution models with fine details and a smooth surface finish, saving time and money without sacrificing quality. Custom-formulated to deliver the highest-quality output, our standard resins capture astonishing detail without sacrificing strength. 

Simply put, this service streamlines the entire dental appliance-making process, cutting down on costs and turnaround times. Instead of waiting days or weeks to receive models from a traditional lab, now get your models faster and with more accuracy using our 3D-printed models.

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We'd love to hear from you. Whether you have a question, or comment, you can contact our CDT at Acrylic Designs Dental Lab. Fill out the form below, and we will be in touch with you soon.

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